Where I Lay My Head
Ok loyal Squatty Wisdom readers, I think it's time to clarify something. I do NOT live in either Andy Holt or the Pink House. Shocking? Yes, I know. I reside out west in the house that Joe Hamilton owns (and lived in until he got married and will return to it to kick us out some day). Now, I do understand the confusion for I do spend a lot of my time at Andy Holt and the Pink House and treat each as a sort of home, however not enough to owe RENT!
Considering your looking over my shoulder I don't think you have a very good argument.
Whether or not you should pay rent is another story
haha. I think everytime I am in Kelfer's apartment, you are there, or someone is asking, "Where is Squatty?" It is like you live there...and aparently, Mr. Steele thinks you should pay rent. Funny how that works out...but I understand, every weekend, I live with girls from CCK, but I don't pay rent either.
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