
Many people, especially the ladies, have recently informed me that they think I look like Tom Cruise. I'm usually just flattered, but lately, I've been trying to grow out my facial hair to match this photo so that I can look even more Mr. Cruise. I think Paul Steele looks nothing like Tom Cruise, mostly beacuse I do think I'm far more attractive. What do you think?
Who's Paul Steele?
So, in a roundabout way, after we get through your self-exaltation and your uncalled for slamming of me, oyu are actually stating that I look like Tom Cruise. I think I can deal with that.
Oh BTW Suzanne, Paul Steele is me. Hi. I don't think we've ever met, but I'm a junior at UT and have been coming around VFC and Cornerstone since I started college. :)
I knew Paul Steele was you, but I still don't know you. Sad that I don't recognize all the members any more. There was a time (I've been at CCK since 1991) when we all knew each other. Maybe there could be a young couples with kids and a college student get-together....that would be fun!
I'm so confused.....who's Squatty? Who's blog and I reading?
Well, Squatty is Travis Evans. Well, he posted a picture of himself in that last post, trying to claim that he looks like Tom Cruise. But you may remember that one of the new members gave a testimony at church on new members Sunday just a few weeks ago. That person was Squatty.
If you didn't know who he was, how'd you find his blog?
Whoa... Squatty, when did you change you blog name? I didn't notice that. I disagree with your new blog name though. It is untrue.
Good to know Meagan!
OK, friends. There is one thing that neither of these eight comments have addresse- Travis Austin Evan's blatant pride. As his stalker, it is obvious that he thinks way too much of himself. I mean, every time he passes a window or mirror he slows down to look at himself. I am constantly, accutely, and painfully aware of his utter sinfulness. Any comments that back up my reasoning? Some of you may call this an unfare accusation. I and John the Baptist would call it the truth.
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