Tutorial Tuesday
Welcome to the newest part of Squatty Wisdom! Most people have Friday Funnies or some sort of weekly post. Well, now I do as well. Tutorial Tuesday! On Tutorial Tuesday, I will try to offer step-by-step instructions in areas (particularly, but not limited to, web) that people may find useful. Please, feel free to ask questions.
To kick off the first Tutorial Tuesday, I will cover a common problem.
If editing for your Blogger blog, first look in your Template for this:<ul>
<li><a href="http://news.google.com/">Google News</a>
<li><a href="http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=110">
<li><a href="http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=110">
Now, it is time for a brief lesson. <ul> means an unordered list (bullets). <ol> means an ordered list (1., 2., 3.). <li> means the start of a link. </li> means the end of a link. <a href="URL"> is where you will put the website URL for the link (inside the quotation marks). Now, whatever you type between <a href="URL"> and </a> is the title of the link and will appear on the web page. <a href="url">Text to be displayed</a>
If you want to change the title of your box for your links ("Links" on your blog sidebar), just change the word Links in <h2 class="sidebar-title">Links</h2> to whatever you want to appear.
Want your link to not be underlined?
<a href="URL" style="text-decoration: none;">.
Want your link to open in a new window?
<a href="URL" target="_blank">.
For more about links, visit: w3schools.com
Hey, this is great! Thanks Travis!
What does target="_blank" mean exactly? why does that cause the url to open in a new window?
sorry...I'm a "why" person. I never really remember something well unless I fully understand it. Rote memorization never worked too well for me.
Ok, target is an attribute. Attributes tell a tag, in <a href="url"> - <a> is the tag, what to do. "_blank" is a value of the attribute. Values specify the action of the attribute.
In this case, you are telling the link to open somewhere (target) and specifically in a "blank" or new window (="blank").
Also, href is an attribute and "url" is a value. However, without more attributes to the <a> tag. The link is opened in the same window.
Overall, the <a> tag is wanting to redirect you somewhere, the attribute says "Hey, we're doing something", and the value is telling it specifically what is going to happen.
Cool, thanks Travis!
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