Tutorial Tuesday
I have a shirt that guys call "pink." Girls, on the other hand, properly call it "salmon." Well, it's time that someone educated guys on colors. Salmon is as different from pink as maroon is from red. Or green yellow from yellow green for that matter.
pink | salmon |
Here is a list of colors (well, HTML colors but a general understanding can be obtained) and what they look like:
alice blue | |
antique white | |
aqua | |
aquamarine | |
azure | |
beige | |
bisque | |
black | |
blanched almond | |
blue | |
blue violet | |
brown | |
burlywood | |
cadet blue | |
chartreuse | |
chocolate | |
coral | |
cornflower blue | |
cornsilk | |
crimson | |
cyan | |
dark blue | |
dark cyan | |
dark goldenrod | |
dark gray | |
dark green | |
dark khaki | |
dark magenta | |
dark olive green | |
dark orange | |
dark orchid | |
dark red | |
dark salmon | |
dark sea green | |
dark slate blue | |
dark slate gray | |
dark turquoise | |
dark violet | |
deep pink | |
deep sky blue | |
dim gray | |
dodger blue | |
fire brick | |
floral white | |
forest green | |
fuchsia | |
gainsboro | |
ghost white | |
gold | |
goldenrod | |
gray | |
green | |
green yellow | |
honeydew | |
hot pink | |
indian red | |
indigo | |
ivory | |
khaki | |
lavender | |
lavender blush | |
lawn green | |
lemon chiffon | |
light blue | |
light coral | |
light cyan | |
light goldenrod yellow | |
light green | |
light grey | |
light pink | |
light salmon | |
light seag reen | |
light sky blue | |
light slate gray | |
light steel blue | |
light yellow | |
lime | |
lime green | |
linen | |
magenta | |
maroon | |
medium aquamarine | |
medium blue | |
medium orchid | |
medium purple | |
medium sea green | |
medium slate blue | |
medium spring green | |
medium turquoise | |
medium violet red | |
midnight blue | |
mint cream | |
misty rose | |
moccasin | |
navajo white | |
navy | |
old lace | |
olive | |
olive drab | |
orange | |
orange red | |
orchid | |
pale goldenrod | |
pale green | |
pale violet red | |
papaya whip | |
peach puff | |
peru | |
pink | |
plum | |
powder blue | |
purple | |
red | |
rosy brown | |
royal blue | |
saddle brown | |
salmon | |
sandy brown | |
sea green | |
seashell | |
sienna | |
silver | |
sky blue | |
slate blue | |
slate gray | |
snow | |
spring green | |
steel blue | |
tan | |
teal | |
thistle | |
tomato | |
turquoise | |
violet | |
wheat | |
white | |
white smoke | |
yellow | |
yellow green |
You misspelled "salmon". The correct spelling is "f-i-s-h p-i-n-k".
Why is the color "dark salmon" lighter than the one you have up top that you also call salmon. To me it just looks like dark pink.
Thanks for that educational lesson! I happen to enjoy the word "burlywood." I think I'll wear burlywood more often. I happen to name colors at random, rather than by html. For instance my government teacher in high school, Coach McCrary, had this bright salmon-colored shirt he wore ALL THE TIME, so I nicknamed it "McCrary Mango." Maybe if you make up a jazzy name for your salmon shirt you can obliterate people's minds when they question your fashion sense. Or you can stick with salmon. You choose...
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