Monday, October 17

The Cross Is More Than Jewelry [Revised]

How many times have you seen a cross around someone's neck? In this day and age, the cross has become nothing more than fashionable. Rappers, pornstars, Christians, and anyone else wears one. You, YES YOU, have probably worn one. If not, you can be glad to know that the cross can be purchased as a necklace for a couple bucks or 1,000s of dollars. The cross is on necklaces, earrings, shirts, rings, cars, and anything else that has room to have it put on it. However, I fear that, for many, the cross is not where it actually belongs, in the heart.

Now, don't mistake me. A pornstar is as equal in wearing the cross as any Christian. Think not? Ever committed a sin while wearing it? If we do wear a cross, by doing so we should make Christ look valuable, like He is the most precious thing in our life. Maybe by the end of this, you will see that the cross is not about who can and cannot wear it, but is more about what the cross means.

At Anthem 2005, Craig Cooper spoke about the doctrine of sin. A part of his message pushed me to post this. He cited a story from his youth in which he was asked, "Is that cross around your neck real? Or is it just decoration?" He later went on to say this:

The cross is a declaration. It declares the holiness of God. It declares God is righteous and must punish sin. It declares the sinfulness of man. It declares God's love. It declares the righteousness of Christ alone. If we don't understand sin, then we cannot comprehend the need for the cross.

There in lies the problem. If we have lost an understanding of sin,
the cross has lost its meaning to us. Therefore, it is meaningless and is nothing more than the rest of the jewelry that you own.

When I talked to Craig after his message, he told me that those who meaninglessly wear the cross are doing nothing more than wearing an electric chair. What he meant by this was that crucifixion was a horrible Roman style of execution. So, take Christ out of the picture, and that is all you have left, a display of a means for execution.

Everyone has sinned. Christ died for that sin on the cross. Without Him, we are all equally viewed before God, unholy and unrighteous. If Christ isn't in your heart, it is worn equally. So, be you a church-going Christian or a pornstar, wear your crosses or don't. However, examine yourself. If you wear a cross, is it real? Or is it just decoration? Does it make Christ look like a precious treasure?

Monday, October 10

In Awe

I am still captivated by Mike Plewniak's message at VFC about who God is. As humans, we pridefully bring down the view of God. I am amazed at how human beings know so much, and yet, know so very little. The verse Mike used was Psalm 8:1-4.
8:1 O Lord, our Lord,how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 Out of the mouth of babes and infants,you have established strength because of your foes,to still the enemy and the avenger. 3 When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?

"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you should care for him?" That is how we should look at the universe. It reveals who God is and how far above us He is. He made the universe with his fingers, with one voice He spoke it into existence, why should He care about us? Look at the picture of the universe above. The little dots to the lower right are the planets of our solar system. Imagine how small in comparison we are. We are insignificant in might and knowledge.

As humans obtain more information about the universe, one would think that our awe of God would increase far beyond David's, who was in awe when he new far less about what he was looking at. In fact, I think that the more we find out about the universe, the more prideful we become in our "knowledge."

Every day we should be in awe of how BIG God is. He holds the universe in His hands. And yet, God is personal. He knows us by name; He knows the number of hairs on our head; He knows our tomorrows. If God can create the majesty of the universe, why should we think that our future is out of His control? Indeed, He is sovereign in ALL things.

Another thing about the universe that should keep us in awe is its beauty. Ever seen a picture of a nebula? There is such beauty in the universe. What is truly awe inspiring is the fact that this beauty is only a fraction of God's beauty.

The universe should humble us. God is FAR above us in all things. Take time to reflect on the vastness of space, and remind yourself that God is big and far above us. He is not to be brought down to our level. Have you created a universe with your fingers and with one voice yet? Until you do, be in awe of God.

For more pictures of the beauty of space: Click Here

Wednesday, October 5

Squatty Wisdom Updates

I just wanted to inform people about the items (new and old) available on this blog. I offer a daily crossword puzzle which contains 7 different puzzles and is automatically updated daily. Music is now available for listening throughout the day. The music is from 'My Playlist' and will be updated randomly, when I feel like adding different songs (song requests may be considered: make a comment to this blog concerning your requests). The Daily Bible Verse is automatically updated every day. The Word of the Day is offered as a way of stretching vocabulary (yours and mine); it is manually put in and will be attempted to be updated every day. The Quote of the Week is offered as a thought provoker or an encourager but will mostly just serve as a good laugh. It will be updated every Monday.