Tuesday, January 24


This is a video of Jeremy Bryant laughing uncontrollably. Why is he laughing? Well, Jeremy likes to blame passing gas on "Barking Spiders," and after this particular "passing" Chris Poulopoulos said, "That was more like a barking gorilla." Jeremy lost it. Enjoy!

Video provided by Daniel Jinks...blame him not me, Jeremy.

Jeremy Laughing

Tuesday, January 10

Lost and Found, how may I help you?

--Yes, hello? I need to report a missing Squatty. I think I left him in Knoxville before UT's Christmas break. Last I saw him he was updating his blog for Christmas, but it has been the same for a month! HELP ME, PLEASE!

--Ok, calm down. It turns out that Squatty is not lost or dead. He just went home for the break and suffered from a disease known as 24 Kbps dial-up.

--Oh! How horrible! Is everything ok? Will he ever post again?

--I know things were bad, please remain calm. However, he has safely returned to Knoxville and is using 11 Mbps cable daily. Also, new posts will be churned out as soon as he makes a full recovery.

--I'm so relieved! Thank you so much!

--All in a days work.