Saturday, May 20

2 Week Hiatus

Starting tomorrow, I am going to be on a 2 week hiatus from the Internet (except from email, which will be checked a lot less often than usual). I want to see if the Internet is, and if so kill, an idol of my heart that demands my affections. Please pray for me during this time to rely on God's grace and to earnestly seek Him. See you in 2 weeks!

Monday, May 15

God: First, Foremost, and Always

I tend to put my hope in other things. The latest one is relationships, not the action but the idea. I found myself believing, "Once I am in a relationship, then I will be satisfied." But my desire is to be satisfied in God first, foremost, and always.
Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
Psalm 90:1

Our Father, we know that Thou art present with us, but our knowledge is but a figure and shadow of truth and has little of the spiritual savor and inward sweetness such knowledge should afford. This is for us a great loss and the cause of much weakness of heart. Help us to make at once such amendment of life as is necessary before we can experience the true meaning of the words "In thy presence is fulness of joy."
A. W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy, p. 74

Every god besides Jesus is a lousy god.
Joshua Harris

Jesus You Alone

Jesus You alone shall be
My first love my first love,
The secret place and highest praise
Shall be yours shall be yours

To Your throne I'll bring devotion
May it be the sweetest sound
Lord this heart is reaching for You now

So I'll set my sights upon You
Set my life upon Your praise
Never looking to another way

Day and night I lift my eyes
To seek You to seek you
Hungry for a glimpse of You
In glory in glory

You alone will be my passion
Jesus You will be my song
You will find me longing after You

To Your throne I'll bring devotion
May it be the sweetest sound
Lord this heart is reaching for You now

To Your throne I'll bring devotion
May it be the sweetest sound
Lord this heart is reaching for You now

So I'll set my sights upon You
Set my life upon Your praise
Never looking to another way

You alone will be my passion
Jesus You will be my song
You will find me longing after You

Day and night I lift my eyes
To seek You to seek you
Hungry for a glimpse of You
In glory in glory

Only by His grace on my life can I have such a desire. I wish I could properly portray all I want to say about this in writing. Maybe it will come up in personal conversations.

Sunday, May 14

Scripture is Profitable for Reproof

Yesterday, my Daily Bible Verse had Proverbs 3:11-12
My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline
or be weary of his reproof,
for the Lord reproves him whom he loves,
as a father the son in whom he delights.
Immediately, I thought of Brent Detwiler's message from 2 Timothy 3:16.
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
The Bible reproves because God loves us! As a father the son in whom he delights--as a Father the Son in whom He delights (Matthew 3:17), and we have been made joint heirs with Christ by faith. God delights in us because He delights in Jesus Christ.

Friday, May 12

Need a Moment?

Today, I got this craving for a Twix chocolate candy. Eating it was rather delightful. My favorite, and usual choice, chocolate bar is the 3 Musketeers. What do you care? Well, you probably don't. However, what is your favorite candy? What do you go for when standing in a check-out line?

Monday, May 8

Rapper Mak

Thursday, May 4


Tuesday, May 2

Tutorial Tuesday


The code for a sample table looks like this:

<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100">
<caption>Table Elements</caption>
<td align="center">72</td>

Table Elements

Required to create a table; contains all other table elements.

Table caption
Optional; adds a caption or title, which appear above the table by default.

Table row
Required; contains all data for a table row.

Table header
Optional; typically designates the top row or left column. By default, text in a header cell will appear bold and centered.

Table data
Required, unless <th> is being used; designates table cell contents.

Attributes for <table>

Aligns the entire table horizontally on the page.
Values include "left", "center", and "right".

Determines whether a border will appear around the table. By default, boders do not appear on tables.
Values include "1" (higher number = thicker border) and "0" (no border).

Determines the amount of space between cell content and the inner cell border.
Values can be specified in pixels or percentage of the browser window.

Determines the amount of space between table cells.
Values can be specified in pixels or percentage of the browser window.

Determines how far the table will extend horizontally across the page.
Values can be specified in pixels or percentage of the browser window.

Attributes for <tr>

Aligns content horizontally in all cells in the row.
Values include "left", "center", and "right".

Aligns content vertically in all cells in the row.
Values include "top", "bottom", "middle", and "baseline".

Determines the background color for a row of cells.
Values can be specified by color name or hexadecimal code (e.g., "green", "#00FF00").

Specifies custom formatting for a row of cells.
Values are a text or numeric definition (font, size, color, etc.).

Attributes for <td>

Aligns content horizontally within a single cell.
Values include "left", "center", and "right".

Aligns content vertically within a single cell.
Values include "top", "bottom", "middle", and "baseline".

Specifies the number of columns that a cell will span across (i.e., occupy).
Values are specified by number.

Specifies the number of rows that a cell will span across (i.e., occupy).
Values are specified by number.

Determines the background color for a row of cells.
Values can be specified by color name or hexadecimal code (e.g., "green", "#00FF00").

Determines the vertical height of a cell.
Values are specified in pixels.

Determines the horizontal width of the cell.
Values can be specified in pixels or percentage of the browser window.

For more about tables, visit:

Monday, May 1

Capt. Mak


Meet Mak! He is a curious-looking little guy of my own creation. He, like me, has many personalities. He will be making random appearances in the future.