Monday, November 27

Teach Me, pt. 1


I ask myself, "Am I grateful? Am I grateful for what Christ did for me?"
The very first character trait that should flow out of experiencing God's grace is gratitude to Him. Everything we are and everything we do that is of any value, we owe to the grace of God. This, of course, begins with our salvation.
Jerry Bridges, Transforming Grace p. 196-197
We all have seen a spoiled brat in a store before. We have seen a parent try to please the child while trying to enforce a rule, and we watch as the chaos unfolds.
Child: I want that toy. I don't have that toy.
Parent: You already have some new toys and plenty of other toys.
At this point does the child respond with: "Why, you are absolutely correct. And by the way, thank you for providing me with clothing, food, and a warm place to live."? Of course not!
Child: But, I don't have this one!
Parent: Maybe for your birthday.
Child: No, now! Tantrum ensues.
We, as bystanders, think, "What an ungrateful little brat. The only thing that kid needs is a good beating!" However, that brat is me! I am ungrateful. I have so much, yet act as though I have nothing. Not only am I secure in that I have food, clothes, and a roof over my head, but also I am secure in that my eternal state is secure because of my salvation by grace through faith in Christ! My greatest need is satisfied!
We actually ought to "say grace" continually throughout the day for the temporal and spiritual blessings that come our way so abundantly. I know many of us are going through some difficult times, and it's tough to have a grateful spirit. But if we will stop and consider, we will recognize that we are still recipients every day of the amazing grace of God. If we are truly growing in grace, gratitude--and its expression in actually giving thanks to God--will be an ever-growing characteristic in our lives.
Jerry Bridges, Transforming Grace p. 198-199
Meditate on the word abundantly.

Not only am I saved, not only do I receive perfect blessings from God, but also, on top of it all, I receive abundantly. What is there to be ungrateful about?! There is not even room for it!