Monday, February 27

Red Light

I was taking the Bridgewater exit off the interstate today and was listening to Worship God Live when Grace Unmeasured began to play. At 4:44 long, I knew that I would get home before the song finished, which was not a wonderful thought since I enjoy the song. Then just as I went over the hill of the exit ramp and neared the interesction, the traffic light turned yellow and then red. My usual reaction is, "UNH! Now I will be behind for [insert next task I have planned here]." However, this time I was unexpectedly happy for the red light because I could continue to worship with Grace Unmeasured. I arrived at the house just as the song was finishing.....all because of the break in my planned order of events.

As I began to think about this moment, I asked myself, "Why didn't the light change after me or so much earlier that I would only catch it red for a short time?" Then, I began to think of other times when I had had X, Y, and Z planned, and something slowed me down during Y and Z. I realized that I should use times like these to worship in song, by reading my Bible, or in another way. I normally view these moments as a curse, but they are moments that can be used to bring so much joy and can be looked upon later as wonderful.

I also realized that slowing down can be so good. Humans are set on HURRY. We don't want to slow down. So, carry a Bible, have worship songs handy, or have anything else ready to worship when moments that you did not forsee pop in on you.

Thursday, February 16

Paul Haiku

As swift as the deer
Hands raised is how you'll know him
Paul is made of "Steele"

* By the way, this picture is from a crazy photo. Even a crazy Paul, raises his hands.

Wednesday, February 8

This Blogging Stuff Is Easier Than I Thought...

When I first started blogging, I thought, "People want insight and wisdom so as to be better equipped for a more meaningful existence." And yet, I find that no one really cares about knowledge.

Here is my reasoning:
1. Post with a pointless video of Jeremy laughing - 6 comments
2. Post with nothing more than a brick wall - 5 comments (1 fake)
3. Fake post (the last one) made by Jonathan Oldacre (by the way I am appalled that no one knew the difference--the sloppy grammar should have been a GIVE AWAY!--"so that I can look even more Mr. Cruise.".....honestly.....) - 9 comments
4.Post about Isaiah 6 - 2 comments (1 of them mine)

So having processed this logic with the wisdom that is Squatty Wisdom, I give you my latest and greatest post:

P.S. - I think Paul Steele is great (and comments that say otherwise are not mine)!


Many people, especially the ladies, have recently informed me that they think I look like Tom Cruise. I'm usually just flattered, but lately, I've been trying to grow out my facial hair to match this photo so that I can look even more Mr. Cruise. I think Paul Steele looks nothing like Tom Cruise, mostly beacuse I do think I'm far more attractive. What do you think?

Friday, February 3

Blogger's Block